Hodi 2!

Amy w Hodi, first found - about 4 weeks oldHodi first found - about 4 weeks oldHodi at about 8-months-old

It must be our Puppy Karma to help abandoned puppies… A month ago, a stray dog was found and the armload was carried inside by Joan, the Executive Director at BAGI (Bay Area Glass Institute).  I was blowing glass and couldn’t address her question of whether we’d lost a dog or not.  When I was finished with my slot, I went over to look at what was found.  Joan said that she’d bring the dog home but her cat was bigger than the dog!  Now, what I’d seen was about a medium-size dog, so I asked her what kind of cat she has! 

She showed me the dog, and the terrified little guy (oops, it’s a gal, we learned later) cowered and preferred to be UNDERNEATH things – like bushes, desks, etc. and was very scared of people.  Due to its coloring – black, grey, and white underneath, I thought it was an older dog, already greying.  Its actions spoke of neglect, possible abuse, and constant surveillance of predators or danger.  It was so small, and I understood how Joan’s cat COULD be bigger than the dog! 

Joan and Karyn at BAGI took the dog to the shelter to see if it had a microchip, find out it’s age, and type of dog.  The San Jose Shelter said no microchip, no calls for a lost or missing dog, the dog was 6-months-old (based on the teeth), an unspayed female, and a Wire-Haired Dachshund mix.  We guessed Terrier was most likely part of the mix based on the spring of the pup (man, can she JUMP!), ears, nose and face.  That same evening, Joan passed the pup to me to take home after wood shop class.  It was just after Amy’s 12th birthday (March 16), so Amy considered it a birthday gift!  Ha ha!Puppy Pix (82)Puppy Pix (68)

Anyway, the first thing we did was give the pup a bath!  With great delight, we discovered that she’s black and WHITE underneath, not tan or brown!  The sink water attested to this discovery.  Poor thing had to have at least one paw on the sink edge during the bath. 

Now for the naming of the pup!  “Lucky,” of course came up and was promptly dismissed, though it WAS close to St. Paddy’s Day!  “Monet,” “Van Gosh,” “Renoir,” were considered due to the white at the tip of the tail that looked like paint.  The pup absolutely did not respond to any of these.  “Pepper” came about because of her fur color, and stuck pretty well, though “Shadow” came close because the pup STUCK close to us wherever we went! 

At the dog run in the park next door, she is usually the smallest dog there, and keeps herself up with the Big Dogs!  She can even outrun several of them on those stubby little feet of her’s.  For the first two days we had her, she made no sound, not even a whimper.  Then some dog across the apartment complex barked, and she barked back!  We were shocked to hear her!  She weighed just under 7 pounds then, and at the first vet check up weighed 7.6 pounds a week later.  Now she weighs about 8.1 pounds – an each and every .1 pounds is immense for her!  (Can you imagine if we were as concerned about our weight down to the .1 pound?)  Rabies was the first immediate shot, and just recently she got her Parvo-distemper vaccine. 

It’s been over a month since Pepper’s moved in with us, and now we can officially adopt her.  She has an appointment to be spayed this Thursday.  She’ll be microchipped and registered then, too.  So, … now we can say, …

“We have a DOG!”

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4 Responses to Hodi 2!

  1. Jeanne Alter says:

    I like your puppy, and think the name suits… especially the spark. wanted to also thank you for the last gifts at x-mas. Big huge argument about the necklace. Was it a fish in a bowl, or clear plastic bag? When are you coming out ??? The weather is getting perfect, and you can evenbring the doggie!!! Love Jeanne

    • Ha ha! Spark, eh? As for the fish necklace – it’s a fish in a bag, like when you bring one home from a pet shop. I don’t know when I’ll be going anywhere for awhile now – not because of a job or anything! I’d love to bring the Pepper!

  2. Connie Turner says:

    I love her!!!

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